
Менеджер отдела экспорта
Полстовалов Олег
телефон: +7 (831) 410-31-37

Менеджер отдела экспорта
Леднева Светлана,
телефон: +7 (831) 410-31-37

Заместитель директора по ВЭД
Гаврильцева Екатерина,
телефон: +7 920 044-74-47

Директор Афонин Игорь Анатольевич
телефон: +7 906 361 48 93

Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «СКЭкспорт»
ОГРН 1155258001260
ИНН 5258120728; КПП 525801001
Юридический адрес:
603034, г.Н.Новгород, ул.Шлиссельбургская, д.23А
Банковские реквизиты:
р/с 40702810642000010963 (в рублях)
в ОАО «Сбербанк России»
БИК 042202603
к/с 30101810900000000603
р/с 40702840442000000282 (в долларах)
в ОАО «Сбербанк России»
БИК 042202603
к/с 30101810900000000603

The export manager
Oleg Polstovalov

Please contact him for further information by email — or by phone +7 (831) 410-31-37

The export manager
Ledneva Svetlana

Please contact her for further information by email – or by phone +7 (831) 410-31-37

Deputy Director on foreign economic activity
Gavriltseva Ekaterina

Please contact her for further information by email – or by phone
+7 920 044-74-47

Office’s address:
Nizhny Novgorod, Shlisselburgskaya str., 23a.

+7 (831) 437-84-94
+7 (831) 410-31-37

Work hours:
MO – TH — from 9:00 to 18:00
FR — from 9:00 to 17:00
SA, SU — days off

Warehouse address:
603022, Nizhny Novgorod, Shlisselburgskaya str., 23a.
Tel.: +7(831) 437-84-94

Work hours:
MO – TH — from 9:00 to 17:30
FR — from 9:00 to 16:30
SA, SU — days off

Location map of the office and the warehouse

We are looking for dedicated dealers…

“SpetskabelExport” Company is open to partnership, accepts orders on special cable production according to technical requierements of customers.
We are always open to mutually beneficial and honest partnership and developing new friendly relations!

Additional information about terms of cable delivery to foreign countries is available by email :

NPP “Spetskabel” has wide expirience in developing new cable constructions in:

  • radiofrequency cables;
  • twisted pair communication cables;
  • cables for industrial automation;

Development is happening under technical requierements of customer, considering the possibilities of the enterprise. Necessary russian or foreign standarts are used in development, depending on area of use. russian or foreign standarts . By the results, necessary pack of cable is produced and confirmed required values.

You can send an develop cable order by e-mail: